Best Free Autoresponders and List Mailing Programs

Are you just staring on the web? Even though, it's likely you've already heard this: "the money's in the list, get an autoresponder!".
And you know that's true. Of course, you've heard about, and seen pros using, aweber and saying how awesome it is, and how you can get your first month for only $1... Until the next month, and your lists grow over 500 subscribers...
Of course, if you business springs up, like most internet marketers say : "your autoresponder will pay for itself, all your tools will pay for themselves". But what's the point, if you can benefit from the same money making system, without having to put some of your profit back into it every single month!?
If you think the same way I do, chances are you're all over Google looking for a free autoresponder...
Well, Stop! You don't need to look any further : I've been there before you, and done the job already.
So save yourself hours of web scraping and just read this post...
N°1 Free Autoresponder : ListWire
As far as I'm concerned, ListWire is by far my favorite. For multiple reasons.
The first one being : they offer a referral program. And that means you can just share a link, get your friends to sign up and use a 100% free & fully functional autoresponder and earn money for it...
OK, not that much money for a start, but once you've got enough of the right people to sign up , you can have your pockets swelling a little.
Of course, there's a lot more to ListWire being my favorite :
The first one being : they offer a referral program. And that means you can just share a link, get your friends to sign up and use a 100% free & fully functional autoresponder and earn money for it...
OK, not that much money for a start, but once you've got enough of the right people to sign up , you can have your pockets swelling a little.
Of course, there's a lot more to ListWire being my favorite :
- The service is 100% FREE, FOR EVER. No hidden fees or upgrades needed. Unlimited number of prospects (subscribers), unlimited broadcasts (newsletters), & unlimited followups (automatic responses). You just sign up once and use it all your life never having to pay anything!
- The platform is fully functional (once you get to know your way around). All the features you need are in there, you just need to learn how to use them right, and you're on your way to becoming a master of internet world!
- Easy social integration : publish your broadcast messages on your Facebook or Twitter account in just one click, increase the number of followers of your blog/website and quickly grow your list.
- You can promote using the ListWire ad system. Even though you can pay for placing ads in the system, you can also do it for free, as long as enough prospects opt-in to your forms... It is a great way to get your blog, website or offer known, and to easily and quickly build your list(s) of subscribers.
- No bans. I've been testing this free autoresponder for close to a year now, and I have never heard of anyone being abusively banned, unlike what is going on with a lot of other "free" autoreps (mailchimp, not to name it). Just use it for what you want, as long as you want.
- No hacks, platform is never down. At least as far as I know. I've never heard of ListWire being hacked or the site being unavailable, which isn't the case of the market's n°1 (aweber of course). As a matter of fact, one of my friends, he's an affiliate manager for important web launches, has quite a lot to say about that... But that's a whole other story, maybe for later ;).
You might be thinking : "This looks so great, there must be a downside to it...".
Well, indeed, there is one slight downside to ListWire : there are no ready made HTML templates for your newsletter. Now you could say this is a good enough reason not to sign up. Still, I'm not sure you would be right there ;).
'Cause, you see, first of all you can get loads of templates for free on the web, and probably one that suits you best than what you will find in paid autoreps. And having an external HTML/wysiwyg editor is a must do if you wanna be part of the internet universe. I will write a post about that soon too, giving you links to find cool templates, and hand you the best free HTML editor(s) I use. Watch out for it...
I'm not gonna lie to you, there are other things that might frustrate you with ListWire, not necessarily because the feature doesn't exist, but, most of the time, especially if you're only just starting, you might just not know where it is, or how to use it.
Good news is, support are really good, just shoot 'em your question and they'll answer ASAP. You can also access quite a few training videos and manuals to help you out when you start, or post your question in the very active members' forum. And if you have any questions before your start using ListWire, then just throw them at me : subscribe to my newsletter and hit "reply"once you get it, or post a comment at the bottom of this page, I'll be glad to help you out!
Wanna hear the word from the founder of ListWire? Watch this short vid :
'Cause, you see, first of all you can get loads of templates for free on the web, and probably one that suits you best than what you will find in paid autoreps. And having an external HTML/wysiwyg editor is a must do if you wanna be part of the internet universe. I will write a post about that soon too, giving you links to find cool templates, and hand you the best free HTML editor(s) I use. Watch out for it...
I'm not gonna lie to you, there are other things that might frustrate you with ListWire, not necessarily because the feature doesn't exist, but, most of the time, especially if you're only just starting, you might just not know where it is, or how to use it.
Good news is, support are really good, just shoot 'em your question and they'll answer ASAP. You can also access quite a few training videos and manuals to help you out when you start, or post your question in the very active members' forum. And if you have any questions before your start using ListWire, then just throw them at me : subscribe to my newsletter and hit "reply"once you get it, or post a comment at the bottom of this page, I'll be glad to help you out!
Wanna hear the word from the founder of ListWire? Watch this short vid :
Other Free Autoresponders and mailing programs :
A lot of autoresponders claim to be free, only most of them only offer a free plan, and you'll have to upgrade if you want a decent amount of subscribed prospects, or if you want to send more than a handful of mails in the same month...
And a lot of the free plans available are not exactly autoresponder, since they do not offer automatic response features (follow-ups). So I've split up these resources in two categories : auroresponders (with a follow-up feature), and mass or bulk mailing programs for marketing email campaigns:
And most mailing programs, such as gmail or outlook, actually have that feature. You can set an automated response to incoming mails, very useful to let people now you're on holiday for example, and can't answer at that moment. Of course, you can manually ad email addresses to your gmail or outlook contact list, but can't create a form that will build an easily manageable list, especially if you're planing on building a list of many thousands of contacts...
And a lot of the free plans available are not exactly autoresponder, since they do not offer automatic response features (follow-ups). So I've split up these resources in two categories : auroresponders (with a follow-up feature), and mass or bulk mailing programs for marketing email campaigns:
Other free autoresponders:
- Mailchimp : this has been one of the rulers of the industry for quite some time. With a very aesthetic design and a full range of useful features (somewhat like aweber), including loads of templates & mobile optimized emails. The free plan limits you to 2'000 subscribers and 12'000 monthly emails. But, as said above, a lot of people are complaining about abusive bans. Looks like you better get a paid plan to be able to use this on the long haul...
- Sendfree : sendfree is an established solution in the industry since 1998, and not that bad a choice it seems : easy newsletter templates, unlimited autoresponders & social media integration all come in the package. It's good to start with, but only to start : you can only have 250 subs maximum with the free plan... way under what most of the others offer!
- Activecampaign : With a full range of nice features and an attractive design, this solution seems as good as can be... until you check out their pricing for different plans! For starters, they claim to offer a free account, but the cheapest plan I could find on their website is 9$/month, for only 500 contacts. Maybe I missed something... Let me know in the comments if you have experience with them.
- Benchmarkemail : Benchmark is one very big name when it comes to internet marketing, and their services can surely be trusted as great. They offer, of course, a large variety of paid plans for autoresponders and mailing services, but also a free plan, with all the features you can get with the paid plans, except one : your contacts can only be added via opt-in forms (which is the right way to build a list really). The plan is free for life. A good choice also I reckon!
- Mailigen : Of what I know, Mailigen do not really offer a free plan. Well, it's not free for life, it's only a 1 month free trial. Although the features are correct, I personally find the pricing a bit excessive : the lowest plan is 8-10$/month for only 500 contacts... You've tried it? You like it? You tell me in the comments and I'll gt back to you to discuss how good they are.
- Reachmail : This one seems a fairly good alternative to ListWire, if you're planning on keeping your contact list small enough, and your money in your wallet. They offer a 100% free plan. You can have up to 5'000 subscribers and send 15'000 emails a month, which is good enough for a beginner. I believe the support is efficient, and the features will let you do almost anything you need, given enough time to work it out.
- Your default mailing program : it might seem weird seeing this entry here if you don't really know what an autoresponder is, strictly speaking. An autoresponder is an automatically generated response sent to an incoming mail, or sent after signing up to a subscription form.
And most mailing programs, such as gmail or outlook, actually have that feature. You can set an automated response to incoming mails, very useful to let people now you're on holiday for example, and can't answer at that moment. Of course, you can manually ad email addresses to your gmail or outlook contact list, but can't create a form that will build an easily manageable list, especially if you're planing on building a list of many thousands of contacts...
Bulk/mass mailing programs (for mailing campaigns):
These programs do not offer an autoresponder feature, meaning you cannot generate an automated email to be sent out to people when they subscribe to your list. But they can come in handy to mail a bunch of people easily, and get them to subscribe to a real autoresponder.
- Mailkitchen : I've discovered this recently, and have been testing it for the last few weeks. It is relatively new in the business, but has quite some potential and a bright future ahead of it.

- Sendblaster : This isn't an online service, it's actually a desktop mass mailer software, so if you choose to go with it (or just give it a try), you will need to download and install the program on your computer. It enables you to easily upload a list of contact, and send out emails to everyone in just a few clicks.It does support email personalization, which is very important for conversion rates. Looks real good. Never tried it. Please let me know in the comments if you have, and what you think about it.

- TargetHero : Here's another one I've never tried, but looks good and safe enough to fiddle around with. It offers all the basic features you can expect from this kind of stuff, only personalized fields are lacking, so be prepared to call everyone of your contacts by a generic name! But you will have a full range of nice templates for your mails, an easy to use editor, and you can even import webpages directly. It's still in beta version, so if you do use it, make sure you give them loads of feedback about bugs and suggestions to make it better!

- VerticalResponse : I've had quite a few good feedback emails from friends about this one. It' seems really good as a list builder tool. The main thing that people keep saying about it is that there support is great. Now, I'm so sure what that really means, since everyone seems to have to contact support all the time... Still they offer nice features, and a free for life plan that is worth being talked about : 1'000 email contacts, 4'000 emails sent per month, and good social integration. Feedback welcome, as usual. :)

- Big Mass Mailer : This is a desktop program you need to download and install on your computer. It hasn't got that many feature, and doesn't integrate templates, or personalized fields as far as I know. It's quite easy to use, as long as you know how mailing works (technically). You will need to use a mailing program such as gmail or outlook combined with it, and you can send an unlimited number of mails to an unlimited number of contacts, and it will look just as if you've sent 1 mail at a time manually.
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