5 Great Tips to Make Money on Internet
Making money online: your introduction to the game
Making money online: this is one of the biggest trends of our century.
The amount of people trying to, or dreaming of, making cash from the web is just amazing!
And rightly so! Do you know how many people currently use the web?
The answer is just breath taking! Everyone of them (or of us should I say), is a potential buyer.
And the numbers never stop increasing, and quickly too.
It’s only logical the Internet is seen by marketers as THE place to be in 2014, and for many years to come.
There are billions of dollars to be made, whatever the products or services you
may be involved in. You can even make some money without having to sell anything to anyone…
But generating a decent stream of income from the web doesn't come that easy, it rarely happens overnight. The chances you instantly become rich just by clicking one button, or signing up for one “become rich now” offer are about the same as the chances you have of winning the lottery.
Anyone telling you otherwise is just a scammer, and you should stay away from him! For your own good, you really should, no matter how attractive and convincing he sounds and his offer looks.
All you need is to do things right, and learn from people with success, and from your own mistakes as you go along.
Making money on the web is something that takes time, generally quite a lot of work too (especially if your are just starting and don’t know much about the possibilities) and you need to be smart about it in order to succeed.
Anyone that earns $100’000 or more a year from the web for just a few hours of work a week most likely started by working very long hours for a few weeks or months (or years even) before the business really started generating 5 or 6 figures profit.
But none of them are super heroes, and if they did it, you can to do it too…
All you need is to do things right, and learn from people with success, and from your own mistakes as you go along.
Here are a few tips about the ways to go to swell your pockets with Internet money:
Tip #1: Working for the Internet Marketing industry
Tip #1: Working for the Internet Marketing industry
IM (Internet Marketing), is the business where the money really is, and is becoming overly important in close to every web user’s life. Honestly, a large, very large, proportion of webpages are related to IM. And most of the actions taken on the web can be, in one way or another, related to IM.
Now, about making money with Internet Marketing
Working for the IM industry doesn't necessarily mean being a marketer. There are tens, if not hundreds of ways to earn a some extra cash, or even make a living income, by working for the IM industry.
For example, there are people setting up websites and blogs all the time to promote and/or sell products and services online. And they will need well written and catchy content for their pages, and sometimes they will need that content in many languages.
This is actually how I started making a living from the IM industry, and more generally a living income from internet : writing and translating for other people’s web businesses.
You see : I knew nothing about marketing, but still, only 2 months after I started, I was making close to $2’000/month selling my services on sites like Fiverr (http://www.fiverr.com) and Freelancer (https://www.freelancer.com), as well as directly to my costumers.
For instance, on Fiverr, you typically start by selling services (they call them “gigs™”) that cost $5 each.
Every time you sell one, the system pays you $4. They hold back 20% of your earnings to pay for their services.
That’s the smartest system between the two I believe, because you don’t actually pay anything unless you get paid yourself.
Of course, people building websites and IM sales funnels don’t only need written content, they also need audio and video content, as well as a full range of other services you can provide to them : graphic design, programming and coding, video editing, affiliate management… The list is endless, and every single entry is a possibility for you to make money.
OK, you might be thinking : “I want to be a writer, and write blog articles and eBooks for site owners, but there are already so many people doing that, how do I find my place and get costumers?”
Well, the obvious answer that springs to mind is : “Provide quality work, and you will get good reviews that will bring you more costumers”. True.
Another answer could be : “Promote your services through advertising networks, and your own networks like your blog, or your social media accounts (Facebook, twitter, etc.)”. Also true.
Now the real thing, the one that really makes the difference, is you need to be as specific as possible about the people you are targeting as clients.
For example don’t just say : “I’m an article writer, I will write anything for you”.
Its is proven more efficient to rather go the route of “I’m an article writer specialized in car and automobile repairs, or in dental care, or in weight loss, or in Forex trading…” You get the idea.
Some, like Fiverr, will not cost you anything to sign-up, but you will have to give away a part of the benefits.
Here’s the way to go to be smart about it :
1.Target a specific niche, a specific group of people (a target audience) with a specific problem or need,
2. Study those prospects (potential costumers) to find what that problem is and how they feel about it, and also how they talk, what specific words they use when referring to their problems and potential solutions.
3. Study the competition, see what solutions they offer, and most importantly, find what they don’t offer. Also have a look at the prices and rates for that specific industry.
4. Create your product/service and layout your communication plan to stand out from the competition. Try and position yourself as someone offering something new, revolutionary even if you can.
5. Make sure you provide quality work to get the word spread around about you.Also directly ask your clients for feedback so you can tweak your offer to make it better all the time. And get written testimonials from your satisfied costumers, it will help you gain respect and attention from your prospects.
2. Study those prospects (potential costumers) to find what that problem is and how they feel about it, and also how they talk, what specific words they use when referring to their problems and potential solutions.
3. Study the competition, see what solutions they offer, and most importantly, find what they don’t offer. Also have a look at the prices and rates for that specific industry.
4. Create your product/service and layout your communication plan to stand out from the competition. Try and position yourself as someone offering something new, revolutionary even if you can.
5. Make sure you provide quality work to get the word spread around about you.Also directly ask your clients for feedback so you can tweak your offer to make it better all the time. And get written testimonials from your satisfied costumers, it will help you gain respect and attention from your prospects.
6. Make sure you get your clients direct contact info (email, Skype ID, phone number), at least their email addresses (yes, again, money IS in the list ;)), and when you have delivered work and a costumer is satisfied with it, offer something else, an additional service or product (up-sell). Ideally, your initial product should be created leaving some space for you to up-sell something every time...
Tip #2: Become an infopreneur
Becoming an infopreneur is probably one of the biggest trends to have emerged over the past few years on the web, and there’s loads of space for this industry to keep growing too.
What is an infopreneur?
An infopreneur is simply a person that creates (and generally sells) infoproducts.
Infoproducts are just information products, mostly audio and video material.
Infoproducts are just information products, mostly audio and video material.
So most of the infoproducts are really training courses. And there again, the possibilities are almost infinite, as people want and need to learn and train in close to every domain.
Basically, as long as you have some knowledge that is above average on something, you can bet someone will be interested to learn from you. And people do pay for that, especially if what you teach can help them make money.
But not necessarily, people will also pay for personal development courses, or weight loss programs, or seduction tips, or really anything else you can think of can be sold under the form of a training program or learning course.
All you have to do is create a training course with what you know in a way that people can really benefit from it, and then sell it to them. Now I know this does seem plain easy to say, but a lot harder to do, since the biggest problem remains : you still will have to promote your training course and get people to buy it…
You've probably figured that out by now, anything that can get you just a few dollars richer on the web will have to go at least a little bit down the Internet Marketing route, no bypassing that!
So you will have to promote, get satisfied costumers that will talk about you and send you their friends and colleagues, you get the idea.
Now let’s say you have created your training course: you have a series of training videos and PDFs, an email and Skype account set up to provide costumers with support, but where can you sell you training program (what format works best for training programs anyway)?
Best answer would be to do it online, DVD’s are old school, and require shipping, which generates extra costs…
So you need to host your training material (videos, audios, PDFs, etc) somewhere where people can only access it AFTER they have paid you. Don’t just upload you videos on YouTube and try to charge people to see them. It just doesn't work, people will go straight to YouTube to watch your videos for free!
You need a secured way of hosting your material online. Here is what you can do :
1. Have a member website/blog with a secured video host :
Click here to find out how to create a member's area on blogger. Some video hosts will even pay you for your videos to be viewed, and you don’t even have to charge money to the people viewing your videos. Purevid is one example. Of course, these platforms make money from advertisement, so I do advise you get your audience, or “free costumers” to sign-up at least for a free account if you use Purevid, to minimize the ads they will be seeing, and make sure they can watch your videos entirely without having any time out functions).
2. Use a platform dedicated to online training courses :
Here are a few paid platforms you can investigate about to select the option that suits you best:
There are many places where you can create a member restricted web space. A lot of the offers for a free blog or website (here at Blogger, on Wix, and probably quite a few others. Use Google to find more).
Now to do that, you will also need a secured video host, that makes sure your videos are not accessible to the public for free, but only to your costumers. Again, there are many secured video hosts available : Vimeo (affiliation possible to increase your earnings a little bit), Amazon S3, Sprout Video, Niche Video Media, Wistia, Cloudfront…
Some are free, or offer a free plan, or a free trial so you can monetize your training course and earn enough to afford a paid plan after a few weeks or months and still generate some profit when paying your video host.
There quite a few places where you can publish and sell your online video courses, or any other e-learning material. Most of them have a membership fee and/or monthly recurrent fees (fix and/or a percentage of your earnings on the site). These are generally quite expensive, so they will only suit you if you can sell your course at a fairly high price.
- Academy of Mine (to be noted: they offer an affiliate program you can apply for)
- Presto Market. This one is my favorite in this list as it’s very intuitive. You can have your course online and running in just a few clicks, and they offer a very profitable affiliation program. The downside being this is a French site, and it’s only available in French at the moment, but I’m sure they will get it translated pretty soon as they are already very successful…
But I’ve done a bit of research (yeah, I just can’t help it, I hate sleeping :D), and found a few FREE to sign up e-learning platforms that seem worthwhile, you tell me about them if you try them:
- Udemy (offers an affiliation program for you to make a little extra cash)
Tip #3: Become a top affiliate
Another web based activity that has been flourishing for the last few years, and that is likely to keep expanding in the future, is affiliation. Many people are just making tons of money promoting and selling other peoples products and services. The PPC (Pay Per Click) Industry is largely based on affiliation, and MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is entirely based on affiliation.
Being an affiliate can be an activity of it’s own, and if you play your cards well, you can make a lot of money with it. But it doesn't have to be a full-time activity. You can use affiliate programs to monetize your blogs and websites just by displaying banners and links on your webpages, or promote the links in your newsletters and via email campaigns.
Affiliation programs usually come with ready-made promotional tools for you to use, some even give you an entire website when you sign-up.
BEWARE : be very careful with affiliation programs (or “referral programs”) you will come across. DO NOT SIGN-UP FOR PROGRAMS THAT ASK YOU TO PAY to participate, they are most likely scams.
Take your time to choose your affiliation programs, do some research about them before you sign up, and my advice is only sign-up for those you know you can promote and have a chance of selling, and go for free to sign up programs that pays you with a system of commissions.
How affiliation works
Affiliation, or affiliate marketing is really easy. An affiliation program is a program that pays you when you sell somebody else’s product or service. This means you will need to promote that product or service, but don't need to go through the hassle of creating the product or rendering the service yourself.
The way to do it is pretty similar with what I told you above:
1. Target your audience
3. Choose the right affiliation program to sign up for
4. Promote and sell
5. Get paid a commission
2. Check out the competition
Just a quick note : the best way to do that, and the statistics prove it, is by running email marketing campaigns with an autoresponder.
When you display a banner on a webpage, people are not forced to take an action, they can just ignore it.
The same goes for ad networks, free and paid: people can just ignore the ad displayed by Google adwords and adsense, or Facebook, or whatever else you might use.
Those banners and ads are just there on the web, out in the world for everyone to see.
But when you send an email, it goes to someone’s personal mailbox. It’s something far more intimate. They have to take action when they see that mail (hopefully they will open it). Even if they delete or spam the mail, they have taken an action, and they will know you exist, which really is the first step to your success.
And if you get people to trust you be bringing them valuable information first, if what you do really helps them and you get them to sign up to your autoresponder, then you can really have some impact with the emails you send them because there are great chances they will open them and read them and… click on links.
You can find a list of free autoresponders and email marketing solutions by clicking here.
When you display a banner on a webpage, people are not forced to take an action, they can just ignore it.
The same goes for ad networks, free and paid: people can just ignore the ad displayed by Google adwords and adsense, or Facebook, or whatever else you might use.
Those banners and ads are just there on the web, out in the world for everyone to see.
But when you send an email, it goes to someone’s personal mailbox. It’s something far more intimate. They have to take action when they see that mail (hopefully they will open it). Even if they delete or spam the mail, they have taken an action, and they will know you exist, which really is the first step to your success.
And if you get people to trust you be bringing them valuable information first, if what you do really helps them and you get them to sign up to your autoresponder, then you can really have some impact with the emails you send them because there are great chances they will open them and read them and… click on links.
You can find a list of free autoresponders and email marketing solutions by clicking here.
Where to find affiliate programs
An increasing number of companies offer their own personal affiliate program, and you will often need to get directly in touch with the people selling the product you’re willing to sell, and sign-up via a link they will give you.
Some companies display a affiliate sign-up link on their website, and you can just sign-up there in a few minutes.
There also are some affiliate networks that will let you choose from a large variety of companies and products to work with as an affiliate. Here are a few :
You should know that a lot of programs require you to have a website or blog. You will have to apply and there’s a chance you may not be accepted as an affiliate. Nonetheless, you can find a ton of programs that just let you sign-up and get going with your promotion efforts straight away.
Tip #4: Become a pro blogger
Being a pro blogger is a very en vogue activity, and stories about millionaire bloggers on the web are numerous.
But here’s the truth about it: if you know nothing about blogging and monetizing a blog, if you know nothing about coding, networking and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), if you don’t have an audience (like a lot of Facebook friends or followers), and if you just plan to talk about a subject that is already all over the web, you chances of success are really low.
Now, if you read the above paragraph without the negations, you've got the main keys to be successful as a pro blogger ;).
Seriously, having a blog is a great start to making an income online, and building a profitable contact list. The hardest thing being getting enough traffic to monetize your blog… I’ll write a post about that later, watch out for it, or sign-up to my newsletter to get the news as soon as it comes out.
Basically, the best start is having an audience (well targeted again, this is important to get a recurrent group of followers/readers).
If your thinking of starting a blog, but do not wish to invest your money into it, here are a few places you can check out that will enable you to speak to the world for free (I will write a post about that too later) :
- Blogger (obviously :D)
How to earn money from your blog
Making your blog give you money (monetizing your blog) is no easy task, and you will need a decent amount of traffic to make your efforts worthwhile.
Here are a few ways of monetizing your blog :
1. Sell your own products, or affiliate program products to your blog readers. It can be physical products, services or infoproducts, as long as they are relevant to your niche (the general topic of your blog).
This is best done through email marketing campaigns. This means you will have to ask your readers to subscribe to your autoresponder (click here to get a free for life autoresponder). A good way of doing that is by having a newsletter sign-up form (also called opt-in form) displayed on your blog. You can see mine at the top of the right hand sidebar.
A good way of getting people to sign up to your newsletter is to give them something valuable in exchange (this is called a “lead magnet”).
NOTE : I do not promote anything to my newsletter list, if you sign-up, you will not receive promotional emails. I do not spam, and I advise you to do the same.
But this Google product has quite a strict policy, so make sure you read the terms and conditions before you sign-up to an account so you don’t get banned.
But there are alternatives to adsense, that are much more flexible. Some programs will not only pay you for every click on the ads they will display on your website, they will also allow you to create your own custom links that pay you for every click. This means you can benefit from those programs even if you don’t have a blog or a website, just by sharing and promoting your custom links. The main 2 programs in the industry are adf.ly (click here to visit the site: https://adf.ly) and Linkbucks (click here to visit the site: https://www.linkbucks.com).
I recommend adf.ly for many reasons, I will detail that in a separate post later.
But there are alternatives to adsense, that are much more flexible. Some programs will not only pay you for every click on the ads they will display on your website, they will also allow you to create your own custom links that pay you for every click. This means you can benefit from those programs even if you don’t have a blog or a website, just by sharing and promoting your custom links. The main 2 programs in the industry are adf.ly (click here to visit the site: https://adf.ly) and Linkbucks (click here to visit the site: https://www.linkbucks.com).
I recommend adf.ly for many reasons, I will detail that in a separate post later.
Sign-up to my newsletter to receive the article as soon as it’s ready. NOTE : Do not use adf.ly and Linkbucks links when promoting your own website or blog on external webpages, this will not at all help your search engine ranking.
3. Selling backlinks. If you have a blog, and know your way around search engines, then your blog is likely to have a high Google (or other search engine) ranking. And some people will pay loads of money just for you to post a link to their site on your blog.
Now, a lot of bloggers already do this, but if you can, do it the smart way: generate a recurrent income from each backlink. For example, instead of charging $100 to post a link on your blog, charge $75 or $50 for the link + a few cents for every visitor that actually clicks the link. Sell links and traffic instead of just selling links, this is much more profitable in the long run!
Tip #5: Using the PPC industry
All the Pay Per Click (PPC) industry comes down to one simple concept: each click is made by a potential buyer, so that click is worth money. Because if the person has clicked on a link, an image, a banner, or any other type of advertisement, then he is interested in what that advertisement is promoting. Typically the next action is getting that person to perform an action, generally signing-up (it’s the step before buying). Then that person is called a "lead".
But lets focus on paid clicks, and how you can really benefit from it.
How can you benefit from PPC
1. It's a great source of traffic.
People that click on ads are (normally) interested in the subject of the promotion, so they are a highly valuable source of traffic. For most professionals in the internet industry, PPC is actually considered the second most profitable source of traffic, just after organic traffic (natural traffic from search engines). So if you can afford to pay for your traffic, you should not hesitate, especially if you have a well tied up marketing plan, because these clicks will convert into profit big time!
There are loads of great advertisement networks that will be happy to display you ads and links for money. Just to name a few: Google’s Adwords, Facebook, advertising.com…
They really will bring quality and highly targeted traffic to your offer’s webpage, to your affiliate link, to your monetized blog, etc.
2. Earn by cliking (PTC).
The PPC industry is so large and so profitable that a lot of people ceased the opportunity to use (or divert) it to make money: when some advertisers will actually display ads on genuine and large scale networks (such as Google or Facebook), others will charge you to display your ads only on their own website. And to make sure the ads get clicked (so their costumers/advertisers pay), they actually pay people to click those ads…
These sites are generally called PTC sites, or just referred to as PTCs.
What really happens is people sign-up to those sites only to get a (little) bit of extra cash by clicking ads, and usually pay very little attention to the content of the ad. These people are usually called “clickers”. They only click to get paid. So most people don’t bother advertising for anything on PTCs.
And that’s when it starts getting tricky...
In order for this system to work, there are only 2 options:
A. The site has to charge a lot more for its advertisement services than it pays the clickers, or it will not make any profit.
B. The ads have to be specifically targeting clickers in order for clickers to become leads and generate some profit.
But the PTCs have gotten very popular over the years. A lot of people are attracted by the idea of getting paid just to click on ads and surf websites.
That is why you have to be very careful, because a lot of PTCs are set up not to advertise the way they should, but planning on profiting only from their members.
They offer paid upgrades for the members. Things like: “if you upgrade, you will earn more for each click”. And they plan on making their profit only with the money the members will pay to upgrade.
These sites have payout limits. For example, on most sites you can only get paid once you have clicked enough to reach $5, or $10. And since the highest the PTCs will pay for one click is around $0.01, and the number of ads you can click everyday is also limited (around 10 most of the time) you can only reach that limit after weeks or months of clicking. They generally don’t even pay the clickers for their clicks in the end...
These fake PTC websites are called scam sites, watch out for them!
The whole thing can sound twisted and scary, and you may think there’s no way of profiting from such a system (other than scamming I mean).
But the truth is there is a way to make money as a PTC user, and there are real PTC websites that do pay money to their members, and that have been running for years.
Here are the 2 main methods how to make profit from popular PTCs as a member:
1. As an advertiser :
The thing is, clickers are a specific audience of their own: they are all people that are trying to make money from internet. So if you have a real product or service that can help them achieve just that, you can use PTCs (and traffic exchange websites too) to promote. If you offer quality, word will spread among the clickers’ community and you are bound to make some profit!
But as a clicker, be very careful with the ads that offer a money making system as it might be a scam too. The paid offers can be totally fake, and you could pay for something you will never get. Even free offers can be scam. Some people will just take your contact information when you sign up for the free offer and sell it to someone else. So do some research about any offer that your are interested in, and only sign-up or buy if your are sure it’s genuine!
2. As a clicker :
Of course, you can make money on a real PTC by clicking ads every day. But you will only make a very little amount in a long period of time. Most ads have a timer (15s to 30s), and you can only click about 10 every day. If the click is paid $0.01 to you, and that is a lot in the PTC industry, you can only make $0.10 per day for a minimum of 2 minutes and 15 seconds of clicking.
But most PTCs offer an affiliate program. As a matter of fact, you generally automatically sign-up for the affiliate program when you become a member of the website. And every time someone becomes a member via your affiliate link, you get a share of his clicking earnings.
So if you have enough people signed up with your links (these people will be your referrals, your referrals are members of your downline), you can increase your earnings until they reach an interesting level.
Building a big downline is not easy, and usually takes a lot of time. And of course the best place to promote your PTC affiliate links is on other PTC websites (and traffic exchange websites, some websites are both PTC and traffic exchange).
Extra tip:
As I said above, the PTC users are a community within the PPC industry. PTCs and their users form a specific niche. If you want to profit from it, either as an advertiser or by building a downline, your best chance is to connect with the people involved: build a list. This really is the best advice and the universal key to online success: the contact list!
Here are a few genuine PTCs and traffic exchange websites you can really profit from :
- Neobux -> click here to visit the website
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